About me

So you want to find out a little bit about me huh? who's the person behind this blog and should i trust the recipes. Well hello there, I'm Krystal! From a very tender age I have been cooking. Mostly for fun and for the simple fact that I had to eat and was never big on takeaways. Cooking, for me has been cathartic as well as therapeutic, and I heartily recommend it.
Caribbean Cooking Blog celebrates the awesomeness of tasty Caribbean food and beverage.
The recipes on Caribbean Cook Blog range from fun and not so hard to a little more involved, but
ultimately without any doubts they're all delicious.
I started this blog as a creative outlet for me to express my love for all things food ( or should I say Caribbean food) eating and cooking. I'm no chef, unless being a home chef counts. I have no formal training just tradition home base style of cooking learned from watching family members and friends cook.
With this blog I would like to share my passion for Caribbean food and beverage. Cooking Caribbean recipes can be easy, quick, and fun. A lot of the recipes I write are simple and fast to prepare and I hope I can inspire and convince, at least some of you, that with not much time, some love and a good appetite you too can prepare amazing dishes.