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Toto Cake

A sweet heavy textured cake, usually cut into squares and enjoyed as a snack. 

Toto is a coconut spice cake that is popular throughout the Caribbean. On some islands it is simply called Coconut Cake. Toto is a dense cake that is rather plain and not much to look at but the combination of coconut and spices makes for a delicious confection that is sure to delight any coconut lover. 

Try this Jamaican Coconut Toto Recipe and see if you like it. Most Jamaicans LOVE it and other international citizens can't seem to get enough of it when they are on the island. This is a very straight-forward, easy to follow recipe that can be done in about an hour. That includes preparation time as well. So for those of you who would love to have your toto when you are away from Jamaica, just whip up this recipe in no time to satisfy your cravings! The ingredients are easy to find in any supermarket 

The Toto cake can be eaten hot right out of the oven or at room temperature. I prefer to have it HOT. Try this recipe and enjoy your Coconut Toto anyway you like.

INGREDIENTS ¼ cup butter 3 cups flour 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 tsp. vanilla 3 tsp. Baking powder 1 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. salt ¼ tsp. nutmeg 2 cups grated coconut 1 cup Evaporated milk 

METHOD 1. Add butter and sugar in a mixing bowl and cream together. 2. Add eggs and vanilla to creamed mixture and beat for about 2 minutes longer. 3. Sift together flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and nutmeg. 4. Add flour mixture, and coconut to butter and sugar mixture alternately with Evaporated milk and stir until smooth. Side Note: You can add more coconut to the mixture than the required amount stated in this recipe for an even greater coconut taste experience! 5. Spread the batter evenly in a greased shallow baking tin (8” x 12”). 6. Bake at 400 degrees F for about 30 minutes. Serve hot or at room temperature. This is a very easy Jamaican Coconut Toto Recipe to follow. It takes less than an hour to prepare and bake this cake. Have fun baking this tasty cake and ENJOY!!


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