Fried Boiled Dumplings Recipe

The boiled dumpling is a Jamaican staple and is eaten almost daily. It is said that no “true” Jamaican meal is complete without it. The fried boiled dumpling is special. The dumpling has to be boiled first and left overnight before it is fried. The anticipation of frying your boiled dumplings the next day seem to add to the taste that some describe as “fun”.
5 Medium Sized Boiled Flour dumplings cooked overnight (See recipe at the end)
Vegetable oil
Lay the Dumplings on a cuttinq board & cut/divide each one into 2 parts in the middle (width, not length – circle shape should remain).
Heat skillet filled with just enough oil to cover the 1 inch slices.
Fry boiled dumplings slices until golden brown on each side.
Each slice needs about 1 minute to to cook.
Place dumplings in a dish layered with napkins so as to drain/soak up the oil.
Serves 2
Boiled Dumplings INGREDIENTS :
2 cups flour
1.5 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup cornmeal
1/2 cup cold water
Sift the flour,cornmeal, and salt together into a large mixing bowl. Add the water 3 teaspoons at a time, just enough to bring the dough together with a firm consistency.
On a lightly floured surface, knead the dough well, for about five minutes.
Boil a pot with water
Break off pieces and form the dough into slightly flattened biscuits, about 2 inches across. For spinners roll the pieces between your palms into a pen shape.
Place the pieces, uncrowded, into the pot of hot water –(Approx 5 -8 minutes)
Serve hot with other food (Serves 6-8)